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Event: Delivery



Delivery Date: 

Delivery Time: 

Delivery Contact: 


Event: Delivery

  • Larkspur & Leo is happy to offer delivery to any location up to a 45-minute drive time from its studio location, at 200 N. Milwaukee Ave, in Lake Villa IL, per Google Maps. Certain exceptions may apply. Delivery charges start at $90.00, plus $2.50 per mile from the studio location to the event location. This delivery charge is subject to change based on delivery location, number of delivery stops, and load, and at the discretion of Larkspur & Leo. If setup is required, an additional fee will apply, at a minimum of $75.00. This fee is subject to change based on the amount of setup that is required, and at the discretion of Larkspur & Leo. If a return trip, or trips, are required for tear down and/or pick-up of floral and/or rental items, there may be an additional fee up to the total amounts of the delivery and/or setup fees.

    The exact fees associated with delivery and setup, for your event, will be listed on the most current version of the design plans, and/or invoice.

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